Subscriptions & Individual Issues
Purchasing Subscriptions
The Iowa Law Review publishes five times annually in November, January, March, May, and July.
Domestic subscriptions are $54 per volume for agents; $55 per volume for individuals.
Unless we receive notice to the contrary, all subscriptions will be renewed automatically. Address changes must be received at least one month prior to publication to ensure prompt delivery and must include old and new addresses with the proper zip code.
Ordering Individual Issues
Individual issues may also be purchased for $10 (plus $5 for domestic mailing). Due to increased costs, we no longer ship internationally.
Send all orders to:
Nicholas Salas
Iowa Law Review
190 Boyd Law Building
Iowa City, IA 52242-1113
If you have any questions about purchasing subscriptions or ordering individual issues, please contact Nicholas Salas at
Hard-Bound Volumes
Alumni, authors, and other interested individuals have the opportunity to purchase a hard-bound copy of recent Iowa Law Review volumes. Those interested must fill out this Bound Volume Order Form and return it to the Iowa Law Review. If you have any questions about ordering hard-bound volumes, please contact Jane Jozefowicz at