Volume 100, Issue 5
May 2015
Iowa Law Review: A Century of Work Worth Doing
Todd E. Pettys
The Influence of the Areeda–Hovenkamp Treatise in the Lower Courts and What It Means for Institutional Reform in Antitrust
Rebecca Haw Allensworth
Licensing Health Care Professionals, State Action and Antitrust Policy
Roger D. Blair & Christine Piette Durrance
Quality-Enhancing Merger Efficiencies
Roger D. Blair & D. Daniel Sokol
Not Treble Damages: Cartel Recoveries Are Mostly Less Than Single Damages
John M. Connor & Robert H. Lande
All I Really Need to Know About Antitrust I Learned in 1912
Daniel A. Crane
Judicial Treatment of the Antitrust Treatise
Hillary Greene & D. Daniel Sokol
Deterrence and Antitrust Punishment: Firms Versus Agents
Keith N. Hylton
The Federal Trade Commission as an Independent Agency: Autonomy, Legitimacy, and Effectiveness
William E. Kovacic & Marc Winerman
Antitrust Arbitration and Illinois Brick
Mark A. Lemley & Christopher R. Leslie
The Commerce Requirement in Tying Law
Christopher R. Leslie
Antitrust Federalism and State Restraints of Interstate Commerce: An Essay for Professor Hovenkamp
Alan J. Meese
The Durability of Formalism in Antitrust
Barak Orbach
Promoting Innovation
Spencer Weber Waller & Matthew Sag