Volume 104, Issue 5
July 2019
Administering Patent Law
Jason Rantanen
Rigorous Policy Pilots: Experimentation in the Administration of the Law
Colleen V. Chien
Reasoned Decisionmaking vs. Rational Ignorance at the Patent Office
John F. Duffy
A Functional Approach to Judicial Review of PTAB Rulings on Mixed Questions of Law and Fact
Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s Consistency-Enhancing Function
Michael D. Frakes & Melissa F. Wasserman
PTO Panel Stacking: Unblessed by the Federal Circuit and Likely Unlawful
John M. Golden
Elite Patent Law
Paul R. Gugliuzza
Patent Court Specialization
Sapna Kumar
Institutional Design and the Nature of Patents
Jonathan S. Masur
The Hamiltonian Origins of the U.S. Patent System, and Why They Matter Today
Robert P. Merges
Statutes, Common Law Rights, and the Mistaken Classification of Patents as Public Rights
Adam Mossoff
Machine Learning at the Patent Office: Lessons for Patents and Administrative Law
Arti K. Rai
Renewed Efficiency in Administrative Patent Revocation
Saurabh Vishnubhakat
Constitutional Tensions in Agency Adjudication
Christopher J. Walker
Prior Art in Inter Partes Review
Stephen Yelderman