99 Iowa L. Rev. 415 (2013)
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Concentrated animal feeding operations ("CAFOs") are prevalent throughout the nation and represent a serious and increasing problem for the United States. Proponents of CAFOs argue that such operations are necessary to meet this country’s demand for low-cost, readily available meat. Opponents point to the ever-increasing risks that CAFOs pose to humans, animals, and the environment. CAFOs in Iowa have operated under the minimum level of federally required regulations for a number of years. The negative effects of this lack of regulation are starting to take a toll on Iowans. Emerging public health concerns such as air quality and antibiotic resistance, individual health problems, animal welfare concerns, and the basic right to enjoy one’s property are becoming controversial issues and demand increased attention from the state’s government, courts, and citizens. This Note argues that Iowans should look to a variety of mechanisms to address these issues, including judicial action, increased legislation, and grassroots organizing efforts to ensure that Iowa remains not only an agricultural force in the United States, but also a safe and healthy environment for its present and future citizens.

Friday, November 15, 2013