Volume 108, Issue 3
March 2023
MDL for the People
Elizabeth Chamblee Burch
Not from Concentrate: Collusion in Collaborative Industries
Jordan M. Barry, John William Hatfield, Scott Duke Kominers, & Richard Lowery
Property Rights and Graves
Ralph C. Brashier
Due Process, Delegation, and Private Veto Power
B. Jessie Hill
Harmonizing Music Theory and Music Law
Peter Nicolas
The Corporatist Foundations of Financial Regulation
David Zaring
Student Notes:
The Rise in Remote Testimony: Exploring Sufficient Public Policies Under Craig
Wayne A. Comstock
The Name Is Bond, Corporate Bond: Remedies for Breach of Bond Indentures After the Alarming Cash America Ruling
Charles T. Doyle
Letting the Katz out of the Bag: Recent Developments in Iowa Trash-rip Jurisprudence
Luke W. Harvey
Love, Marriage, & Neurodiversity: Using Neuroscience to Equalize Marriage Rights for People with Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Under Guardianship Arrangements
Marisa A. Leib-Neri
Ensuring Insurer Security: Where the Iowa Data Security Act Falls Short
Grace L. Vorbrich